by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross is a book that has been very comforting to many who are in grief. From her experience as a doctor, she has worked with 20,000 people who have been declared clinically dead and who later returned to life. This book is made up of four articles (Living and Dying; Death Does Not Exist; Life, Death and Life After Death; and Death of a Parent) in which she argues a case for her belief in the afterlife.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross has always had skeptics in the medical/scientific world who say her studies are not scientific enough. As well as critics in the religious world who feel her language doesn’t fit sound doctrine. So if you are from either of those camps, this may not be the book for you.
However there are many in the medical profession who agree with Kubler-Ross and find her thoughts on the afterlife to be in congruence with their scientific understandings. There are also those within the religious sphere who say, “Why quibble over language when in our present life we cannot know with 100 percent certainty what the afterlife is like? Kubler-Ross’s underlying position is one we can endorse—there is life after death.”
I, personally, found this book to be helpful and comforting in my time of grief, and recommend it to those willing to read with an open mind.
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