by Mommy
(Thornton Co.)
Payton's life may have be brief, but he truly lived this life to the fullest. He achieved more in his 20 Years, 11 Months, 15 Days, 4 hours, 15 minutes; than most have in a 100 years. What I mean is; he was an inspiration to all the people that touched his life. He was LOVED, IDOLIZED, ENVYED. His love, compassion and generosity for his FAMILY & Friends were all OUR blessings in disguise; he was there for you when you needed anything. I cannot leave out that he was always the life of the party .
I often catch myself thinking; " How did this incredible human being come from me?" God must have really loved me.
Every beautiful, fast car I see reminds me of him.
Payton had exquisite taste for all the finest things in this life.
Payton had the strongest will of any person I have ever known, when he wanted something he
made it happen.
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