Comments for Me and my girllfried broke up

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Jul 18, 2011
my prayers are with you

My partner also decided to breakup after almost three years. We are living together and the Holy Spirit has shown me our sins. I have confessed my sins and discussed it with my partner. She has hardened her heart.

I know she knows that she is wrong because she can not even go to church and face the presence of the Lord.

I pray for her that her spiritual eyes will open and that she can see that she is outside of God's will. I pray that our relation will start anew and that we can glorify God with marriage.

I pray for her spirit and that she will give her life to Jesus.

Apr 11, 2011
standing in agreement
by: Jason D

I am praying that you and your girlfriend get back together. I got a divorce myself and even though she already remarried two months after our divorce, I pray she realizes she made a mistake and we get back together and married again in the church this time someday. So I know God can bring you two back together. I pray it happens. God bless you.

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