Marriage Restoration

by Leigh

Please continue to lift up my husband M. He did relapse but immediately checked himself into a 28 day program. Please pray for our marriage as there has been A LOT of strain on it. I only see him during the weekends, but we had family therapy last week and this coming weekend.

Please pray that the fire that burns between us would be set aflame. I know that God has this marriage for us and so does he...satan is just devouring where he can. Pray for healing and oneness between us. He usually gets us when we are apart, so please pray that throughout the week when we don't see each other and there is limited contact that we would miss each other the way God intended us too when we are apart and that we would see what we are fighting for more clearly.

Administrators Comments for Marriage Restoration Prayer Request:


I've recently been reading the prayers in Joyce Rupp's book Praying Our Goodbyes: A Spiritual Companion Through Life's Losses and Sorrows. Although your prayer request isn't a "good-bye," it reminded me of a prayer that is listed under the section called, Prayer of One Who Feels Broken Apart.

Joyce Rupp invites the reader to:

"Imagine your life as a pottery jar. See your life broken apart. Look at all the pieces, harsh and jagged. Feel the brokenness that is yours. Now gather the pieces together. See yourself taking them to Jesus. Have him hold the pieces in his hands. Listen to him tell you about his brokenness, how the Father raised him from the dead and brought him to a wonderful wholeness. See the pieces of pottery in Jesus' hands come together into a beautiful jar. Take time to just look at the beauty of the jar. Then open your hands and receive the jar in its wholeness from Jesus. Pray your response."

My prayer for your marriage restoration:

Restoring God,

Thank you that you are indeed a God who can put together that which is broken. We agree with Leigh and her husband as they ask and work for the healing of their marriage.

May they again see the beauty of their marriage and their life together. Help them to believe that they will again experience wholeness in their individual lives and in their marriage.

We ask for new life and hope to be apart of their weeks apart and their weekends together. Give them courage to face the pain that has brought them to this point. And give them strength to work for wholeness. Help them believe that all things are possible.


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