Comments for Lost everything

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Feb 07, 2011
You are not alone
by: Karen

I have felt the same way,(suicidal) but you must have faith. Do not give up or in. Trust GOD not people. GOD Will bring you through. These are not just words, this will be your a reality with faith. I am here to tell you these things because I am a living witness. Satan is here to kill,steal and destroy. DO NOT allow that to happen. You must continue to fight. Read the word of the GOD for your armor of battle. Pray and ask GOD for strength fight. GOD Will help you. Live each day as a Victor. I felt at one point in my life, that I was all alone, like you. But we are Not alone. GOD hears us and GOD is Always with us. Wait on GOD He will Not fail you. He will even send people to you that will truly be there for you,good people that will help and love you .. Trust GOD.

Feb 07, 2011
Don't Give Up
by: A.H.

I am Praying for you God Is Great & sometimes we don't know why he puts us through these tests
& In God's Time he will see you through so Don't give up & Keep Praying to Our Lord
God Bless & keep you Strong As he is walking with you

Feb 07, 2011
by: Janelle


My prayers are with you. Your story touches my heart. Life must feel very overwhelming to you these days.

I pray for wholeness, new purpose and hope for you as you look to the future. May you find what you need to be restored to finding joy in living.

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