Nancy's interviews with peacemakers who had been through horrific trauma revealed that healing from trauma includes moving deeper, higher, and wider. She uses the image of a tree to depict this growth. The following chart also shows how this three-way growth works.
These peacebuilders spent time dealing with their pain and living in the inner circle that was discussed in the trauma healing diagram. They made choices to move embrace the pain as part of their story and move through it into upward growth. As they lived the survivor story they gradually found themselves able to offer healing to others around them dealing with pain they too had suffered.
You may find it helpful to sit with this image of a tree. Ask yourself where you are in terms of growing deeper, higher, and wider. You may also find it helpful to choose a specific plant that you see in your home or outside. Assign it the task of reminding you of your desire to grow deeper, higher, and wider. Sit with in and reflect on your growth in those three areas.
What are you doing to tend your roots? How are your roots nourishing your tree?
How strong is your trunk? What are ways you are growing into a strong survivor?
How are you able to transform your world? What have you learned that you can offer to others to bring greater healing
peace to our beautiful and hurting world?