Grief Journaling
with the Psalms of Lament

One way to guide grief journaling is to follow the structure of the psalms of lament. Below I have listed questions that you might find helpful for your own reflection. You can use them for writing your own lament or praying them verbally. Feel free to adapt them according to your own situation and way of relating to God.

1. Address to God: How do you address God? How do you believe your relationship with the Divine will initiate change in your life situation?

2. Complaint: What is your complaint? What anger do you have that may need to be discussed with God?

3. Affirmation of trust: Have you experienced God being on your side in the past? Is there something you can look back on and say that you experienced the presence of divine love in your life?

4. Petition: What is your deepest desire from God? What do you want for your life situation right now?

5. Additional Argument: Having gotten in touch with your desire, is there anything else you want to say to God about your need and why God should intervene? What past situation do you feel like you would like to “remind” God of?

6. Curse on enemies: Are there things or people in your life that feel like enemies? How can you bring them to God?

7. Assurance of being heard: What do you need from God to feel heard?

8. Vow of praise: What can you promise or offer to God?

9. Hymn or blessing: What thing/person/event (no matter how small) can you thank God for? What other things/persons/events can you be grateful for?

Learn more about the Psalms of Lament and the grief journey

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